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"Common, Everyday Things Affect Our Health, Outlook and Vitality."

– Dottie Whitlow-Malin, PhD.

Meet Dottie Whitlow


A 30+ year career educator, teacher trainer, administrator, mathematics curriculum supervisor & leader, Dottie battled chronic pain for 7 years! During that time she learned about the everyday events that affect our health, wellness, outlook & fitness and the everyday things that can cause serious health issues.  Now she’s ready to share!


Common, Everyday Things Affect Our Health, Outlook and Vitality


  • Sleep – affects pain, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, migraines, reproductive problems, cancer (Web MD), depression.


  • Physical Activity helps control weight, reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, strengthens bones & muscles, improves mental health & mood, helps prevent falls.


  • Sitting – prolonged sitting increases risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, & shorter life span, even if you exercise everyday.


  • Downtime – take a break!  Reduce stress by taking a bit of time for yourself. Do something refreshing each day, even for just a short time!


  • Eating – reduce sugars & add healthy fats. Pay attention to how you feel within 2 hours of eating.



  • Socialize – talk to, visit, enjoy family & friends.  It contributes to your health & longevity.


  • Posture – helps organs function better, prevents pain from muscle misuse.


  • Neuroplasticity – every experience changes your brain!  Nervous system drills help improve mobility.


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