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Common, Everyday Things Affect Our Health, Outlook and Vitality


  • Sleep – affects pain, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, migraines, reproductive problems, cancer (Web MD), depression.


  • Physical Activity helps control weight, reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, strengthens bones & muscles, improves mental health & mood, helps prevent falls.


  • Sitting – prolonged sitting increases risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, & shorter life span, even if you exercise everyday.


  • Downtime – take a break!  Reduce stress by taking a bit of time for yourself. Do something refreshing each day, even for just a short time!


  • Eating – reduce sugars & add healthy fats. Pay attention to how you feel within 2 hours of eating.


  • Standing, exercise & movement – our bodies are designed to move! Increases muscle & bone strength & positive outlook.


  • Socialize – talk to, visit, enjoy family & friends.  It contributes to your health & longevity.


  • Posture – helps organs function better, prevents pain from muscle misuse and affects our cortisol & testosterone levels (in both women & men). 


  • Neuroplasticity – every experience changes your brain!  Nervous system drills help improve mobility. Music & rhythm positively affect the brain!


  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs at CDC)  As children, we have no control over the events, experiences & possible traumas in our lives.  In a study of about 16,000 subjects, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) & Kaiser Permanente have found that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can affect our health throughout our lifetime. If you have them, it pays to be mindful of the Common, Everyday Things that can affect our health, outlook and vitality! 




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